• V. V. Sikolenko
  • E. V. Pomjakushina
  • V. Yu Pomjakushin
  • A. V. Gribanov
  • U. Zimmermann
  • A. Kurbakov
  • D. P. Kozlenko
  • I. N. Goncharenko
  • A. M. Balagurov

The crystal and magnetic structures of U(Pd1-xM x)2Ge2 compounds with M = Fe, Co, Ru are studied by neutron powder diffraction and μSR. The effects of M doping and external applied pressure on the crystal and magnetic structures are compared. We find that even at small M-doping level the magnetic structure drastically changes, while the values of the lattice parameters and interatomic distances change only slightly. In contrast, a high external pressure modifies the crystal structure more significantly, while the magnetic structure remains the same. These observations allow us to conclude that the drastic changes of magnetic structure of U(Pd1-xMx)2Ge 2 compounds with increased M doping could result from modifications of the RKKY indirect exchange interactions owing to a variation of conduction-electron number per U atom, rather than from lattice contraction.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)e163-e166
ЖурналPhysica B: Condensed Matter
Номер выпуска1-3 SUPPL. 1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 15 июл 2004

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ID: 99373305