Bone implantation with the application of titanium implants became possible after
the works of Prof. Bra°nemark in the early 1960s, where titanium osseointegration
was established for the first time [1]. After this discovery, it was found that such
an effect is characteristic not only for titanium but also for zirconium oxide [2], various
alloys [3], hydroxyapatite [4], and other materials. However, despite this, the
majority of bone implants are made of titanium and its alloys. This is due to both
biomedical and mechanical characteristics as well as commercial availability. More
than 50 years of experience suggests the main feature of titanium osseointegration:
the geometric structure of the surface is the most important factor influencing the
implant engraftment along with the chemical composition. This is demonstrated
using the results of both cytological and histological studies [5,6]. In general, the
majority of the works describe a positive contribution of the developed surface topography
into biomedical properties related to the polished titanium [7–9]. However, in
some cases insignificant relief modification causes the valuable response of osteoblasts
and bone tissue [10]. We try to disclose these relationships based on the works
of our colleagues. Also, in this chapter, we try to analyze the existing techniques of
the surface geometry modification. Based on the reviewed materials, we will outline
the prospective of the surface geometry modification of titanium implants without
changing the chemical composition of the surface layer for the improvement of their
biomedical characteristics.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииTitanium in Medical and Dental Applications
Место публикацииUnited Kingdom
Число страниц31
ИзданиеElsevier Inc
ISBN (электронное издание)978-0-12-812457-4
СостояниеОпубликовано - апр 2018

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