The objective of this study is to examine various combinations of vibration-chemical coupling models in high-temperature air and oxygen flows behind shock waves. Simulations are carried out in the frame of the state-to-state approach for detailed vibrational and chemical kinetics in the Euler approximation. Great variety of state-resolved models for the rate coefficients of vibrational energy transitions and chemical reactions are assessed and validated against experimental data; among them are first-order perturbation (SSH) and forced harmonic oscillator (FHO) models; well-known Marrone–Treanor dissociation model with parameters either obtained empirically or by fitting quasiclassical trajectory calculations; new models for state-specific Zeldovich reactions. To validate the models, the results of numerical flow simulations are compared with experimental investigations in a wide range of initial mixture compositions and shock wave velocities. Among numerous model variants, a few models providing the best agreement with the experimental data on the vibrational temperature in oxygen flows and measured NO radiation in air flows are recommended for different sets of free stream conditions. The impact of NO excited states produced in Zeldovich reactions is evaluated; it is shown that neglecting the vibrational excitation of NO molecules may lead to significantly underpredicted maximum of NO number density. In the framework of the code performance study, Matlab and Fortran implementations were compared, the most significant bottlenecks procedures were identified by profiling analysis, and remarkable speed-up was achieved by code optimisation.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)493-509
Число страниц17
ЖурналActa Astronautica
СостояниеОпубликовано - окт 2020

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Авиакосмическая техника

ID: 60217971