• I.E. Gabis
  • E.A. Evard
  • A.P. Voyt
  • V.G. Kuznetsov
  • B.P. Tarasov
  • J.-C. Crivello
  • M. Latroche
  • R.V. Denys
  • W. Hu
  • V.A. Yartys
In present work we have developed a theoretical model for the description of the electrochemical dis-charge process in the metal hydride anodes of the metal hydride batteries at various current densities.The model is based on the description of the assembly of the spherically shaped metal hydride particleswhere the process of electrochemical discharge is fit using a shrinking core model, with a shell of the H-storage alloy growing inside the particle by decreasing volume of the internal metal hydride core. Themodel accounts results of the D.O.S. calculations for La2MgNi9 intermetallic alloy and has been testedfor this metal hydride anode material having an electrochemical discharge capacity of 400 mAh/g andhydrogen storage capacity of 13 at.H/f.u. La2MgNi9. It allows to quantitatively describe kinetic behaviorsof the electrode at various applied current densities and to estimate the diffusion coefficient for hydrogenand equilibrium content of H in the solid solution domain of hydrogen in La2MgNi9. This model
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)73-81
ЖурналElectrochimica Acta
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2014

ID: 7019248