In this work, we present a methodology of simple yet accurate calculations of H2O(v2) vibrational levels pumping from the collisions with vibrationally excited O2(X3Sigma_g, v = 1) molecules, which is required for correct retrievals of H2O volume mixing ratios from the 6.3 μm band radiance. The electronic-vibrational kinetics model of O2 and O3 photolysis products used in this study includes 44 electronic-vibrational states of the O2 molecule (three states of O2(b1Sigma_g, v), six states of O2(a1Delta_g, v) and 35 states of O2(X3Sigma_g, v)) as well as the first excited state of atomic oxygen, O(1D) and considers more than 100 photochemical reactions linking these states. We introduce the Resulting Quantum Output (RQO) approach that describes the O2(X3Sigma_g, v = 1) production quantum yield per one act of O3 photolysis in the Hartley, Huggins, Chappuis and Wulf bands (200–900 nm). We demonstrate that the RQO weakly depends on latitude and season, and suggest a parameterization formula for the altitude depend
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)3065-3078
ЖурналInternational Journal of Remote Sensing
Номер выпуска11
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2011

ID: 5063298