A two-layer beam consisting of an elastoplastic layer and a functional layer made of shape memory alloy (SMA) TiNi is considered. Constitutive relations for SMA are set by a microstructural model capable to calculate strain increment produced by arbitrary increments of stress and temperature. This model exploits the approximation of small strains. The equations to calculate the variations of the strain and the internal variables are based on the experimentally registered temperature kinetics of the martensitic transformations with an account of the crystallographic features of the transformation and the laws of equilibrium thermodynamics. Stress and phase distributions over the beam height are calculated by steps, by solving on each step the boundary-value problem for given increments of the bending moment (or curvature) and the tensile force (or relative elongation). Simplifying Bernoulli's hypotheses are applied. The temperature is considered homogeneous. The first stage of the numerical experiment is modeling of preliminary deformation of the beam by bending or stretching at a temperature corresponding to the martensitic state of the SMA layer. The second stage simulates heating and subsequent cooling across the temperature interval of the martensitic transformation. The curvature variation depends both on the total thickness of the beam and on the ratio of the layer's thicknesses.
Переведенное названиеМикроструктурное моделирование двухстороннего изменения изгиба композитной балки, включающей слой из сплава с памятью формы и упругопластический слой.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)245-253
ЖурналSmart Structures and Systems
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2022

ID: 114762525