The purpose of this article is to study aerosol pollution in a metropolis (Moscow), to evaluate the dangerous factors of aerosol pollution and ways to minimize their impact on the population and ecosystems of the city and surrounding areas. The research has been conducted in January 2015-August 2019 for five locations in the territory of Moscow, and one location 50 km from the metropolis. 10,978 samples have been processed in Moscow and the region, of which 2089 have been samples for station 1, 1597 - for station 2, 1956 - for station 3, 1971 - for station 4, 1704 - for station 5 and 1661 - for station 6. For all six locations in Moscow and the region, the average daily aerosol pollution exceeds 3%, which indicates a fairly safe composition of atmospheric air in the territory of the metropolis. The variability in the PM10 concentration indicators varies significantly between the years, more than three times in comparison with the variability between the seasons (p ≤ 0.05). Aerosol pollution of the Moscow metropolis is characterized by pronounced seasonality - maximum PM10 concentrations in April and minimal in November-December. The difference between warm and cold seasons can reach 15-20 μg/m3. In the annual cycle, a surge in PM10 is observed in April, immediately after snow melts, when there is a sharp change in humidity in the atmosphere of the metropolis.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)7-14
Число страниц8
ЖурналAsian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 7 мая 2020

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ID: 61466692