The Symposium is devoted to the methods of studying and correcting cognitive
impairment. It is expected to present the results of studies of cognitive mechanisms of information processing and decision-making normally developing children and with intellectual disabilities. The speakers will present an analysis of the peculiarities of understanding of different formats texts by school students and students depending on age, clinical diagnosis and their
individual experience. To register a process of perception used eye-tracker (eye-tracker). The reports will present the data on the formation of the mental model in preschool children 5-7 years and its correlation with cognitive decision-making mechanisms. Some reports reveal the possibility of using modern methods of studying cognitive impairment in ergo — and trauma therapy. The
method of analysis of complex and psychotraumatic relations between people is
shown. The results of the research are applicable in the field of correctional, clinical psychology and psychotraumatology.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииBook of Abstracts: XVI European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019)
Место публикацииМ.
ИздательИздательство Московского университета
СостояниеОпубликовано - июл 2019

ID: 45027489