The adaptation of Regulatory Focus Questionnaire, RFQ for Russian sample is described. According to regulatory focus theory the goal-directed behavior is regulated by two different motivational systems (self-regulation strategic systems) - promotion focus and prevention focus. People with promotion focus strive for positive end-states, gains, use eager means; people with prevention focus strive for security and non-losses and use vigilant means. After back-translating procedure, the factor structure (confirmatory factor analysis), internal reliability and test-retest reliability were explored. Construct validity was explored in the studies of interconnection of chronic regulatory focus and cognitive biases in decision making. The studies were aimed to replicate on a Russian sample the study by Higgins et al., 2001. Overall 536 people (aged 17 to 23) participated in the study (158 in the pilot study, 308 in the main study). The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that a two-factor orthogonal structure had the best fit (CMIN = 52.580; df = 39; p = .072; GFI = .971; CFI = .957; RMSEA = .034; Pclose = .884). The high internal reliability of both scales ((Cronbach's alpha for "Promotion focus" scale 0.77 and for "Prevention focus" scale - 0.78) and temporal stability (4 weeks interval) were shown. The number of questions is equal to the original version of the questionnaire. The overall relationship between promotion and prevention focuses and cognitive biases in decision making was partly shown, which stands for construct validity of the scales. The Russian version of Regulatory Focus Questionnaire can be used in future research in samples aged 17 to 23. At the end, the full text of the questionnaire, the instructions and scores calculation are listed.

Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)318-340
Число страниц23
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2019

    Области исследований

  • Regulatory Focus Questionnaire (RFQ), regulatory focus theory, promotion focus, prevention focus, achievement motivation, PREVENTION, PROMOTION, DECISION, PERFORMANCE, CONSCIOUSNESS, STRATEGIES, FIT

ID: 46144462