• J.-P. Huhtala
  • A. Sihvonen
  • J. Frösén
  • M. Jaakkola
  • H. Tikkanen
Purpose – The paper aims to examine the role of market orientation (MO) and innovation capability in determining business performance during an economic upturn and downturn. Design/methodology/approach – The data comprise two national-level surveys conducted in Finland in 2008, representing an economic boom, and in 2010 when the global economic crisis had hit the Finnish market. Partial least square path analysis is used to test the potential mediating effect of innovation capability on the relationship between MO and business performance during economic boom and bust. Findings – The results show that innovation capability fully mediates the performance effects of a MO during an economic upturn, whereas the mediation is only partial during a downturn. Innovation capability also mediates the relationship between a customer orientation and business performance during an upturn, whereas the mediating effect culminates in a competitor orientation during a downturn. Thus, the role of innovation capability as a med
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)134-152
ЖурналBaltic Journal of Management
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2014

    Области исследований


ID: 7002264