• S. Hubrig
  • N. Przybilla
  • H. Korhonen
  • I. Ilyin
  • M. Schoeller
  • S. P. Jaervinen
  • M. -F. Nieva
  • R. -D. Scholz
  • S. Kimeswenger
  • M. Ramolla
  • A. F. Kholtygin
  • M. Briquet
The magnetic field of CPD -57°3509 was recently detected in the framework of the BOB (B fields in OB stars) collaboration. We acquired low-resolution spectropolarimetric observations of CPD -57°3509 with the FOcal Reducer low-dispersion Spectrograph 2 and high-resolution UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph observations randomly distributed over a few months to search for periodicity, to study the magnetic field geometry and to determine the surface distribution of silicon and helium. We also obtained supplementary photometric observations at a timeline similar to the spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric observations. A period of 6.36 d was detected in the measurements of the mean longitudinal magnetic field. A sinusoidal fit to our measurements allowed us to constrain the magnetic field geometry and estimate the dipole strength in the range of 3.9-4.5 kG. Our application of the Doppler imaging technique revealed the presence of He I spots located around the magnetic poles, with a strong concentration at the positive pole and a weaker one around the negative pole. In contrast, high-concentration Si III spots are located close to the magnetic equator. Furthermore, our analysis of the spectral variability of CPD -57°3509 on short time-scales indicates distinct changes in shape and position of line profiles possibly caused by the presence of β Cep like pulsations. A small periodic variability in line with the changes of the magnetic field strength is clearly seen in the photometric data.
Переведенное названиеГеометрия магнитного поля и распределение содержания хтмических элементов гелиевоой звезды CPD-57°3509
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Страницы (с-по)1543-1552
Число страниц10
ЖурналMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - окт 2017

ID: 9364976