• Анастасия Сергеевна Ярмош
The author comments on the programme of the new museum construction, embodied in the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT), which opened in autumn 2016 in Lisbon. Special focus is given to the project plan of museum exhibitions and the participation of the director of the MAAT, Pedro Gadanho, in its development. The author gives some examples of exhibitions in the fall - winter season 2016-2017 and makes a conclusion on the relevance of this artistic content in the contemporary art area
Переведенное названиеMAAT: The initiative area of art and technology on the edge of the Old World
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)788-794
ЖурналАктуальные проблемы теории и истории искусства
Номер выпуска8
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2018

ID: 37650322