The advantages of the adsorbed state for spectral studies of the ozonolysis mechanism are illustrated by ozone reaction with ethylene on silica. The sample with preadsorbed ethylene or C2D4 was brought into contact with 14O3, 18O3, or mixed 16O3/18O3 from the solution in liquid oxygen at 60-77 K or from the gas phase at 77 K. The method enables us to detect the first products of ozonolysis, including primary and secondary ozonides or formaldehyde, arising already at 77K or below and to follow their transformations in a wide temperature interval, not arailable for solid matrices or solutions. Formaldehyde, which should arise at the intermediate step of the reaction, is formed when an excess of ozone is admitted from the gas phase. It is supposed that O3 reaction with dioxymethyl (Criegee intermediate) prevents its recombination with formaldehyde, providing the stabilization of the latter.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)5813-5819
Число страниц7
Номер выпуска20
СостояниеОпубликовано - 29 сен 1998

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ID: 41683281