• S. V. Goryainov
  • A. V. Kurnosov
  • Yu M. Miroshnichenko
  • M. B. Smirnov
  • I. S. Kabanov

Edingtonite is a ferroelectric material of the Rochelle salt (RS) class and shows large anomalies of different properties in the temperature range of -53 to -133 °C. Classical RS exhibits the low-temperature phase transition P21212-P2 111, whereas ammonium RS shows the phase transition P2 1212-P11211. According to our data, edingtonite blocks this possible symmetry lowering by the phase transition P21212-P112. Edingtonite, similarly to RS crystals, has two sub-lattices of water molecules and exhibits a complex low-temperature behavior. There are at least three anomalies in the low-temperature dependence of the generation of the second optical 0.53-micron harmonics, excited by the 1.06-micron line of a Nd pulse laser. Edingtonite also exhibits significant anomalies in the low-frequency range of its IR spectrum at low temperatures. The maximum IR anomaly is observed in natural edingtonite at -124 °C, whereas in the deuterated sample the same anomaly occurs at -113 °C. The most intense anomalous broad band at 220 cm-1 did not shift due to deuteration. According to the presented lattice-dynamical calculations, this vibration corresponds to a strong deformation of the cavity around the water molecules during the phase transition. Raman study of edingtonite under high pressure in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) at room temperature shows that there is no pressure-induced phase transition up to 6.4 GPa. No amorphization was observed at this pressure range.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)283-289
Число страниц7
ЖурналMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials
Номер выпуска1-3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 18 июл 2003

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ID: 73030486