Crystal structure of LiB3O5 (a framework of [B 3O5]- rings and Li atoms located in interspaces) was refined at high temperatures using single-crystal X-ray diffraction, MoKα-radiation, anharmonic approximation, orthorhombic; Pna21; Z=4; 20 °C (a=8.444, b=7.378, c=5.146 Å, 1411 F(hkl), R=0.022); 227 °C (a=8.616, b=7.433, c=5.063 Å, 1336 F(hkl), R=0.026), 377 °C (a=8.746, b=7.480, c=5.013 Å, 1193 F(hkl), R=0.035). A high mobility of Li atoms and their highly asymmetric vibrations are revealed. Ellipsoid of Li thermal vibrations is oviform. Li is shifted on heating to 0.26 Å mainly along a-axis causing high thermal expansion in this direction; Li temperature factors are multiplied by 4 on heating. Rigid boron-oxygen groups in LiB3O5 remain practically stable on heating similar to α-Na2B8O13 and α-CsB 5O8. At the same time these groups rotate relative to each other like hinges leading to extremely anisotropic thermal expansion (αa=101, αb=31, αc=-71, αv=60×10-6 °C-1, 20-530 °C, HTXRPD data).

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)2987-2997
Число страниц11
ЖурналJournal of Solid State Chemistry
Номер выпуска10
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 окт 2005

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ID: 53951020