NGC 7217 is an unbarred early-type spiral galaxy having a multisegment exponential light profile and a system of star-forming rings of the unknown origin; it also possesses a circumnuclear gaseous polar disc. We analysed new long-slit spectroscopic data for NGC 7217 and derived the radial distributions of its stellar population parameters, and stellar and gaseous kinematics up to the radius of r≈100 arcsec (˜8 kpc). We performed the dynamical analysis of the galaxy by recovering its velocity ellipsoid at different radii and estimated the scaleheights of its two exponential discs. The inner exponential stellar disc of NGC 7217 appears to be thin and harbours intermediate-age stars (t_SSP≈5 Gyr). The outer stellar disc seen between the radii of 4 and 7 kpc is very thick (z_0= 1, … , 3 kpc), metal-poor, [Fe/H] <-0.4 dex, and has predominantly young stars, t_SSP=2 Gyr. The remnants of minor mergers of gas-rich satellites with an early-type giant disc galaxy available in the GalMer data base well resemble differe