The article is devoted to the consideration of the Rus-sian reader with knowledge about the world around familiarizingprocess in the first Russian popular science academic journal “Notes to the St. Petersburg Vedomosti” (1728–1742) from the Russian academic translators of this time linguistic point of view. New knowledge required the use of special language resources, which often were not available in Russian in the first half of the 18th century at all and which were much easier to be found by the new generation of translators – often because of the attitude towards words borrowing and the presentation publicity in gen-eral. It is no wonder that F. P. Filin considered the new genera-tion of 1730s translators as the “brilliant masters of their job”. It is interesting to note the age of academic translators: at the time of the beginning of participation in the “Notes” materials transla-tions Yahontov was about 18 years old, Adodurov – 22, Taubert – 22, Volchkov – 29, Trediakovsky and Lomonosov – about 30 (about the age of Schwanvitz and Alekseev there is no trustfullinformation). The “Notes” employed young translators who re-ceived a different education and were brought up as native speakers in different conditions than the translators of Peter the Great time, who found it difficult to rebuild the text presentation 657
658 in a new stylistic way. The style of “Notes” was developing, the staff of this edition improved in the art of writing and translating entertaining articles of an educational nature: at the lexical level, the authors and academic translators sought to make the texts “transparent” for the reader, in respect of syntax, this attitude al-so received a real embodiment: the transition from multi-compound sentences, burdened with complex syntaxes of the Church Slavonic language, to the more structurally organized, and therefore easier for the reader's perception common sentenc-es. The “Notes” and their translators played a significant role in the history of the Russian language identifying the basic stylistic principles of popular scientific materials publication and edited important changes to the new grammar of Russian language in general.