• V. O. Pakhomova
  • H. F. Biloklits'ka
  • O. O. Pakhomova
  • V. A. Rozanov
  • O. O. Protunkevych
  • I. L. Hruzova
  • D. O. Mel'nychuk

Two variants of alternative integrative compensatory mechanisms of metabolic reactions in organism developing at the compensated shifts of acid-base balance under the influence of different risk factors have been discovered by the authors. Compensated metabolic acidosis appears with the excess of salt ammonia in the animals ration, at the immobilization stress, hypodynamia, deafferentation and surgical stress. The start reaction of acidosis is lipolysis activation and nonacidified products accumulation at the reactions of tricarboxylic acid cycle are (TAC) inhibited. The compensatory mechanism directed to bind hydrogen ions and prevent pH shifts is activity of glyconeogenesis reactions, transamination, increase the contents ammonia, as well as by increases of restored combinations. Carbohydrates excess in the ration, emotional stress (anxiety expectation) lead to the metabolic alkalosis development at which low hydrogen ion formation and their rapid use in the activated process of peroxide lipids oxidation is compensated with the increase of organic acids formation in glycolysis and TAC as well as by the increase of oxidation properties in tissues. Besides adaptive physiological meaning, the described mechanisms may be the reason for a number of pathological state appearance. The discovery in population and prevention of endogenic risk factors prevention is principle new basis of modern integrated system of human and animals common diseases prevention.

Переведенное названиеCompensatory changes in the acid-base balance under the influence of excess ammonium chloride, hypodynamia and stress
Язык оригиналаукраинский
Страницы (с-по)68-75
Число страниц8
ЖурналFiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994)
Номер выпуска5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 1999

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ID: 42768621