New Journal of Physics
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Kinetic theory of instability in the interaction of an electron beam and plasma with an arbitrary anisotropic electron velocity distribution function
Vladimir S Sukhomlinov3,1, Alexander S Mustafaev2, Hend Koubaji2, Nikolay A Timofeev1 and Oscar Murillo2

Published 24 December 2021 • © 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd on behalf of the Institute of Physics and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
New Journal of Physics, Volume 23, December 2021
Citation Vladimir S Sukhomlinov et al 2021 New J. Phys. 23 123044
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Based on the kinetic approach, this work investigates the stability of the system consisting of a fast electron beam and a dense plasma at an arbitrary (anisotropic) electron velocity distribution function. It is shown that during the interaction of a fast electron beam with a cold plasma, both the conditions for losing stability and the growth rate of disturbances do not depend on the form of the electron distribution function (EDF) of a plasma and are determined only by the ratio of the electron beam energy to the mean energy in a plasma. With an increase in the mean electron energy in the plasma, it becomes necessary to take into account the following energy moments of the EDF. It was found that the plasma anisotropy has a significant effect on both the stability loss conditions and the growth rate. The physical reason for this effect is the shift in the plasma frequency due to the Doppler effect caused by the plasma anisotropy in the coordinate system moving along with the beam. Other findings include a region of anomalous dispersion of the electron beam–plasma system and regions of negative group velocity of perturbations in such system. Physical interpretations are proposed for all the observed effects.
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Номер статьи123044
ЖурналNew Journal of Physics
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2021

ID: 89961566