Education in the specialty “journalism and mass communications” is a relatively special part of the higher education system in China, its ideological and political attributes determine the features that distinguish it from other disciplines of organizational management and practical activities in this field. For example, in China, party and state bodies are deeply interested in training personnel in the field of journalism and mass communications in higher educational institutions of the country. This approach is not only unique in the education system of the country of China, but also has no analogues in the system of world higher education. The study of politics, traditions and other cultural and historical components have allowed us to identify the features of education in the field of communicative specialties in the specified country (Zhang Kun: 2020). The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the training of specialists in the field of journalism and mass communications in China. Research methods – analysis of documents of educational programs in the disciplines “journalism and mass communications”. For more than 100 years of development, China's higher education in the field of journalism and mass communication has gone from the initial period of creation, formation to mature development. Journalism and mass communication as an essential component of the higher education system have reached significant proportions in China.