• G. Van Oost
  • M. Gryaznevich
  • E. Del Bosco
  • A. Malaquias
  • G. Mank
  • M. Berta
  • J. Brotankova
  • R. Dejarnac
  • E. Dufkova
  • I. Duran
  • M. Hron
  • P. Peleman
  • J. Sentkerestiova
  • J. Stöckel
  • B. Tál
  • V. Weinzettl
  • J. Zajac
  • S. Zoletnik
  • V. Budaev
  • N. Kirneva
  • G. Kirnev
  • B. Kuteev
  • M. Sokolov
  • V. Vershkov
  • I. El Chama Neto
  • J. Ferreira
  • R. Gonzales
  • C. R.Gutierrez Tapia
  • H. Hegazy
  • P. Khorshid
  • A. W. Kraemeraflecken
  • L. I. Krupnik
  • Y. Kuznetsov
  • A. M.Marques Fonseca
  • L. Ruchko
  • E. Sukhov
  • A. Singh
  • V. Soldatov
  • A. Talebitaher
  • G. M. Vorobjev

Small tokamaks may significantly contribute to the better understanding of phenomena in a wide range of fields such as plasma confiement and energy transport; plasma stability in different magnetic configurations; plasma turbulence and its impact on local and global plasma parameters; processes at the plasma edge and plasmaawall interaction; scenarios of additional heating and nonainductive current drive; new methods of plasma profile and parameter control; development of novel plasma diagnostics; benchmarking of new numerical codes and so on. Furthermore, due to the compactness, flexibility, low operation costs and high skill of their personnel small tokamaks are very convenient to develop and test new materials and technologies. Small tokamaks are suitable and important for broad international cooperation, providing the necessary environment and manpower to conduct dedicated joint research programmes. In addition, the experimental work on small tokamaks is very appropriate for the education of students, scientific activities of postagraduate students and for the training of personnel for large tokamaks. The first Joint (Host Laboratory) Experiment (JE1) has been carried out in 2005 on the CASTOR tokamak at the IPP Prague, Czech Republic. It was jointly organized by the IPPaASCR and KFKI HAC, Budapest, involved 20 scientists from 7 countries and was supported through the IAEA and the ICTP, Trieste. The objective of JE1 was to perform studies of plasma edge turbulence and plasma confinement. Following the success of JE1, JE2 has been performed on Ta10 at RRC "Kurchatov Institute" in Moscow; 30 scientists from 13 countries participated in this experiment. This experiment aimed to continue JE1 turbulence studies, now extending them to the plasma core. Results of JE1 and JE2 will be overviewed and compared.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииPlasma and Fusion Science - 17th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices
РедакторыC Varandas, C Silva
ИздательAmerican Institute of Physics
Число страниц10
ISBN (печатное издание)9780735405158
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 дек 2008
Событие17th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices - Lisbon, Португалия
Продолжительность: 22 окт 200724 окт 2007

Серия публикаций

НазваниеAIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN (печатное издание)0094-243X
ISSN (электронное издание)1551-7616


конференция17th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices

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