• Yu A. Litvinov
  • T. J. Bürvenich
  • H. Geissel
  • Z. Patyk
  • C. Scheidenberger
  • F. Attallah
  • G. Audi
  • K. Beckert
  • F. Bosch
  • M. Falch
  • B. Franzke
  • M. Hausmann
  • Th Kerscher
  • O. Klepper
  • H. J. Kluge
  • C. Kozhuharov
  • K. E.G. Löbner
  • D. G. Madland
  • J. A. Maruhn
  • G. Münzenberg
  • F. Nolden
  • T. Radon
  • M. Steck
  • S. Typel
  • H. Wollnik

The FRS-ESR facility at GSI provides unique conditions for precision measurements of large areas on the nuclear mass surface in a single experiment. Values for masses of 604 neutron-deficient nuclides (30≤Z≤92) were obtained with a typical uncertainty of 30μu. The masses of 114 nuclides were determined for the first time. The odd-even staggering (OES) of nuclear masses was systematically investigated for isotopic chains between the proton shell closures at Z=50 and Z=82. The results were compared with predictions of modern nuclear models. The comparison revealed that the measured trend of OES is not reproduced by the theories fitted to masses only. The spectral pairing gaps extracted from models adjusted to both masses, and density related observables of nuclei agree better with the experimental data.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи042501
ЖурналPhysical Review Letters
Номер выпуска4
СостояниеОпубликовано - 22 июл 2005

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Физика и астрономия (все)

ID: 46105981