Advanced technologies inspire people by demonstrating the latest achievements (materials, methods,
systems, technologies, devices etc.) that dramatically change the world. This, first of all, concerns nanotechnological inventions
designed by scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries. Main part. The article provides an abstract overview of
inventions of scientists, engineers and specialists from different countries: Germany, Russia, China, USA et al. The results of the creative activity of scientists, engineers and specialists, including inventions in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials allow,
when introduced to industry, achieving a significant effect in construction, housing and communal services, and related sectors
of the economy. For example, the invention «The composition and manufacturing method of non-fired zirconium heat-resistant
concrete» refers to the construction materials industry and can be used in the manufacture of products from zirconium non-fired
heat-resistant concrete obtained without pre-firing. The purpose of the invention is to increase the thermal resistance at 1300о
improve the water resistance of non-fired zirconium heat-resistant concrete and the exclusion a technologically complex method
of converting the above-mentioned components into nanoscale particles and heat-shock treatment requiring high energy costs.
The following inventions in the field of nanotechnology can also be interesting for specialists: a method to obtain multi-layered
nanocomposite coating: a method for modifying carbon nanomaterials in nitrogen-containing plasma; a method for regeneration
of aerosol filters and protective membranes; a method for obtaining a polymer nanocomposite material with reduced flammability;
a robotic complex for obtaining nanostructured chromium coatings; a method for producing hydrogen from methane, a method for
forming a combined hydrophilic coating; thermochromic nanoencapsulated material, production method and a product containing such material; a method for obtaining a water-soluble paint-and-lacquer material with photobactericidal activity for applying
photobactericidal coatings based on water-soluble paint-and-lacquer materials еt al. Conclusion. One of the most challenging
tasks the economy of every country face is to increase industrial competitiveness through technological upgrade. From the side of
the state and companies the principal object to control in this process are the people and enterprises dealing with introduction of
inventions and new technologies.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)37-47
Число страниц11
ЖурналNanotechnologies in Construction
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 28 фев 2023

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Технология (все)
  • Экономика, эконометрия, и финансы (все)

ID: 103213292