• Eva Santini
  • Irene Nepita
  • Alexey G. Bykov
  • Francesca Ravera
  • Libero Liggieri
  • Saeid Dowlati
  • Aliyar Javadi
  • Reinhard Miller
  • Giuseppe Loglio
Abstract: The input of chemical and physical sciences to life sciences is increasingly important. Surface science as a complex multidisciplinary research area provides many relevant practical tools to support research in medicine. The tensiometry and surface rheology of human biological liquids as diagnostic tools have been very successfully applied. Additionally, for the characterization of
pulmonary surfactants, this methodology is essential to deepen the insights into the functionality of the lungs and for the most efficient administration of certain drugs. Problems in ophthalmology can be addressed using surface science methods, such as the stability of the wetting films and the development of artificial tears. The serious problem of obesity is fast-developing in many industrial countries and must be better understood, while therapies for its treatment must also be developed. Finally, the application of fullerenes as a suitable system for detecting cancer in humans is discussed.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи81
Число страниц25
ЖурналColloids and Interfaces
Номер выпуска4
СостояниеОпубликовано - 7 дек 2022

    Области исследований

  • dynamic surface tension; dynamic interfacial tension; dilational surface visco-elasticity; drop profile analysis tensiometry; bubble pressure tensiometry; Langmuir trough; Brewster angle microscopy; medical applications

ID: 102741702