A wide range of economic, social, environmental, demographic problems is characteristic of the modern world and is focused on achieving the goals of sustainable development, uniting the efforts of civil society, in which the main actors of socio-economic life are involved: political and economic elites, consumers and producers of the entire aggregate of material and intangible goods and services. The world community has come to the concept of sustainable development and the transition to a "green" economy, which combine the achievement of self-sustaining economic growth with the provision of social protection of the population and minimization of negative impact on the environment. Today, institutional investors play a system-forming role in the implementation of this triune development strategy. The purpose of the article is to identify the increasing significance of institutional investors in the “green” socially responsible transformation of the global and national financial markets in the implementation of the UN SDGs in a number of developed and developing economies. Objectives, findings and discussion of the study: consideration of the prerequisites for analyzing the role of institutional investors in achieving the UN SDGs; global investors’ certain initiatives assessment that have been proposed as a paradigm for socially responsible and infrastructure investment at the national and international level; determination the role of various green institutional investors (quasi-public sector, banks, sovereign welfare funds, with the special attention to the insurance companies’ and pension funds' role in green investments process) in the implementation of the green transformation of financial markets in some countries and regions of the world economy; identification the importance of the main investment channels of institutional investors in green infrastructure in the light of types of investment (direct, indirect mixed), kinds of investments (corporate, project, investment-target), general characteristics (description, advantages, scaling, profitability).
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)114-119
ЖурналFinancial Engineering and Risk Management
Номер выпуска7
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2022

ID: 103024407