This article is dedicated to the research of innovation processes at the regional level. There patterns of innovation processes and innovation activity applying modern management approach are considered. There dynamics analysis of such regional innovation activity indicators as number of organizations that perform the research; technology innovations cost; research and development inner cost; investment in equity; volume shipped innovation products is made based on statistic data. As an example of nature of the impact of these indicators to innovation environment of the region, the authors used the economic data of Saint Petersburg city. Additionally, there dynamics of analysing indicators is established, the reasons of their increase and decrease in the various time periods under the influence of political and external-economic factors is detected. In summary, the conclusion on current intensification of innovation processes in Saint Petersburg that reflects on both innovation activity data and territorial infrastructure, is made. The common tendency to increase the region innovation activity exists, despite the decrease of the number of organisations that perform researches and developments. These findings, achieved based on completed research, can be used to forecast the region innovation activity level, as well as for optimization of innovative activity indicators of the companies.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи04016
ЖурналE3S Web of Conferences
СостояниеОпубликовано - 20 мар 2020
Событие2019 Key Trends in Transportation Innovation, KTTI 2019 - Khabarovsk, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 24 окт 201926 окт 2019

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