
According to Russian and American scientists, the era of noopolitics is coming. In their works, the authors
present their vision of why and how managerial thought should act during the formation of a new reality.
Russian and American authors have different points of view. In this article, we have concentratedly
collected mainly the Russian point of view on such a phenomenon as noopolitics. The media in the
international process are presented by the authors as a concrete and imperious «matrix» - as a system of
cultural and informational monopolies of any state. The authors propose to consider mediatized politics
as a virtual reality presented and created by the media, and mediatized politics as a process of
establishing this reality. Any information created by a journalist through signs can have many meanings,
and the choice of meaning depends on the consciousness that perceives this word. This conclusion is fully
consistent with the thesis about the a priori axiomaticity of the communicator and the a posteriori
unpredictability of the communicant.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)2546-2552
ЖурналReview of International Geographical Education
Номер выпуска7
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2021

ID: 87893119