Abstract: C-terminally encoded peptides (CEP), post-translationally modified peptide hormones, play important roles in plant development. CEP peptides are known as regulators of the root system in response to abiotic stress factors, in particular, to a nitrogen deficiency. However, the members of the CEP family in potato were not yet characterized. In our work, we identified 17 CEP genes in the potato (Solanum tuberosum) genome. Using available transcriptomic data, we estimated the expression levels of the CEP genes in different organs and found that the expression levels of some of the CEP genes depend on the amount of nitrogen in the medium. Further study of the CEP genes in potato will expand our understanding of the role of these signal peptides in potato development.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)751-755
Число страниц5
ЖурналRussian Journal of Genetics
Номер выпуска6
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 июн 2022

ID: 103752600