This book is the result of the international research project Comparing Societal Integration of Ethnic Minorities (InterEthno) funded by the INTAS Programme of the European Union. Present day ethnic relations question the vision of progressing assimilation of ethnic minorities. Neither the development of traditional nor of new minorities follows this pattern any more. The reasons are related to the modern means of transportation and communication, to the porous state borders and the global spread of cultural pluralism and individualization. Democratic governance and constitutional human rights also allow ethnic minorities to resist ethnic assimilation. The ideas about integration of minorities or of multiculturalism offer little theoretical and practical help in this dynamic situation. We witness the turn to interethnic integration in the sense of convergence of values, normative standards and behavioural patterns among ethnic groups. This concept fosters the discourse and policies focusing on full economic,
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииInterethnic Integration in five European Societies
РедакторыNikolai Genov
Место публикацииHamburg
Страницы377 стр., 41-64, 330-352
ISBN (печатное издание)3-89622-096-9, 978-3-89622-096-7
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2008

ID: 4424270