• Margarita E. Sharina
  • T. H. Puzia
  • V. L. Afanasiev
  • D. I. Makarov
  • A. E. Dolphin
  • G. M. Karataeva
We study properties of globular cluster candidates (GCCs) and the diffuse stellar populations in nearby low surface brightness dwarf galaxies, using HST WFPC2 photometry in the V and I bands. Our sample consists of 18 dwarf spheroidal (dSph), 36 dwarf irregular (dIrr), and 3 transition-type galaxies, with projected linear diameters less than 3.5 kpc and mean blue surface brightness >23 mag/arcsec2 situated at the distance 2-6 Mpc in the field and in nearby groups. Our sample dwarf spheroidal galaxies were not detected in HI and are located at the distances of up to ˜1 Mpc away from a nearby bright galaxy. Transition-type galaxies, which are distributed like dSph galaxies, form a very rare class of galaxies. dIrr galaxies show a weaker concentration to the nearest massive neighbors than dSph and transition-type galaxies. At a given surface brightness and luminosity, they exhibit lower mean metallicities than dSphs. In contrast to dIrr galaxies, the majority of dSph galaxies at a similar mean surface brightness
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)409-412
ЖурналProceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Номер выпускаC198
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2005

ID: 73930095