The article discusses the views on the Soviet period of Russian history of major historian of the Russian Diaspora - G. V. Vernadsky. After a long and arduous journey of emigration from Simferopol to Istanbul, Athens and Prague, he then settled at Yale University (New Haven, USA), where he had been worked until his death (1927-1973). Vernadsky was a specialist in the field of ancient and medieval history of Russia, but in the 30 - to 50-ies of 20th century have repeatedly raised the issues of Russia's recent history. Analyzing the views of the historian, the author of the article mobilize a wide range of sources. Of particular interest are the documents from the Bakhmeteff archive of Butler library at Columbia University (New York, USA). The author studied historical works Vernadsky, his reviews, reviews of his works, letters, lectures in various universities in the USA. The most important conclusion, which is made in the article: through the eyes of the historian, in recent history Russia has changed over time. The. author shows the dynamics and nature of these changes, and emphasize that remained unchanged view of Soviet time as a specific period, but the logical continuation of pre-revolution Russia. The article by G. V. Vernadsky "Paradoxes of Bolshevism" is published here.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)101-132
Число страниц32
ЖурналModern History of Russia
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2015

    Предметные области Scopus

  • История

ID: 35786369