Traditional reindeer husbandry in Russia is a fascinating phenomenon of northern pastoralism and nomadism. Russia is home to over 2/3 of the world's total domesticated reindeer herd. Reindeer husbandry in Russia is practiced by 15 indigenous peoples, some of whom still pursue a nomadic lifestyle.
The purpose of this article is to visualise reindeer husbandry, together with its hosting biophysical and social environment, as a socio-ecological system or a reindeer pastoralist landscape, and to present its diversity as a geographical system of landscape zones and regions. Such a holistic landscape approach is rooted in the landscape ecology and reflects the basic patterns of reindeer husbandry's connections with its surroundings.
The research includes 3 stages. We started by dividing the entire reindeer husbandry area of the Russian North into several landscape zones focusing on the predominant migration patterns of reindeer herders, as such patterns reflect the interaction of reindeer husbandry with the geographical environment as a whole. The next stage was zoning by cultural types of reindeer husbandry. In the final stage, we divided the particular reindeer husbandry areas into smaller regions according to local features of reindeer pastoralism. The research has resulted in the map of traditional reindeer husbandry landscape zoning. This map embraces the whole territory of Russia where traditional reindeer husbandry still exists and comprises 35 units (reindeer pastoralist landscapes) related to four taxonomic levels.
The present zoning scheme of Russian reindeer husbandry is, on the one hand, a result, but on the other hand, a tool for further research on reindeer pastoralism within a holistic landscape ecology approach.
Переведенное названиеГеографическая изменчивость и культурное разнообразие оленеводства на севере России: разграничение территорий с различными типами оленеводства
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Число страниц16
СостояниеЭлектронная публикация перед печатью - 2023

    Области исследований

  • pastoralist landscape zoning, types of reindeer herding, pastoralist socio-ecological system, migration patterns, holistic landscape approach, northern indigenous peoples

ID: 102144759