The article presents a new methodology for the internal differentiation of technogenic objects (ash and slag dumps) based on ecological and geological studies of soils, bottom sediments, surface and underground waters, based on the allocation of three zones with various permissible types of nature management in their territory. The first zone (I) is the territory directly connected with the technogenic object (the bottom of the dump); the allocation of borders of the first kind is justified by the data of the cadastral division of land and the results of route surveys. The second zone (II) is the territory of the active manifestation of the impact of the object, which has a visual manifestation (the area of wind separation, the area of accumulation of solid surface runoff, the zone of drying or inhibition of the natural stand and growth), at the initial stages of the process of natural assimilation of exposure and/or at the initial stages of regression, first of all, phytocenosis. The third zone (III) represents the territory of active natural assimilation (general dispersion and/or concentration on natural geochemical barriers) of ash and slag material products (primarily, scattering flows of heavy metals and other pollutants). An analysis of the results of this work made it possible to specify the types of environmental protection measures that are carried out depending on the identified geochemical zones, the use of which-within the framework of projects of improvement and environmental monitoring of the sanitary protection zone-will significantly reduce the costs of nature users. The rationalization of the economic and legal components is associated with a decrease in the areas for a specific type of work, and all the activities of the nature user in the controlled territory.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи012016
ЖурналIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 4 ноя 2020
Событие2020 International Symposium on Earth Sciences: History, Contemporary Issues and Prospects, ESHCIP 2020 - Moscow, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 10 мар 2020 → …

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ID: 71628471