Possibilities of application and development of endochronic concepts for the mathematical description of determining characteristics of nonlinear tenacity-elasticity-plastiticity are considered. "Simple", "complex" and "functional" (with memory) "horizontal" scaling of time is used,in view of various physical-chemical-mechanical influence (temperature, humidity, radiation irradiation, ageing, stresses, deformations, etc.). Variants of employment of "vertical" transformation of determining characteristics are analyzed. The estimation of use of scales with the various hierarchical structure is made, allowing to model adequately and effectively monotonous and nonmonotonous processes of deformation, in view of linear and nonlinear tenacity-elasticity-plastiticity, with accelerated and slowed down responses of media. Such approach has given a possibility to generalize various known theories of nonlinear creep, relaxation and plasticity (technical, Boltsman-Volterra-Perso, Rabotnov, Moskvitin), and also to carry ou
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииProceesings of the XLII Summer School-Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" APM 2014, St. Petersburg June 30 -Jule 5, 2014 (on SD)
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2014

ID: 4683292