The effect of Sr by Gd substitution on the structural, thermomechanical, electrical, and electrochemical properties of SrTi0.5Fe0.5O3–δ was investigated in the present work. The powders were synthesized by a solid-state reaction method at 1150 °C with following sintering of the ceramic samples at 1350 °C. The unit cell parameters of the sintered Sr1–xGdxTi0.5Fe0.5O3–δ (x = 0–0.4) ceramics were found to decrease with a gradual increase in Gd content, and a change in the crystal symmetry from cubic to tetragonal at x ≥ 0.1 was observed. It was found that the Gd doping enhanced the stability of the ceramic samples in a reducing atmosphere and reduced the thermal expansion coefficient value. Gd doping in the amount of 5 mol% can be used for long-term stabilization of the SrTi0.5Fe0.5O3–δ material’s conductivity in reducing atmospheres with no significant alteration to the transport properties and oxygen permeability.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)2351-2357
Число страниц7
Номер выпуска9
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 сен 2017

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ID: 9706582