• Sylvie Leroy
  • Pascal Gente
  • Marc Fournier
  • Elia d'Acremont
  • Philippe Patriat
  • Marie Odile Beslier
  • Nicolas Bellahsen
  • Marcia Maia
  • Angelina Blais
  • Julie Perrot
  • Ali Al-Kathiri
  • Serge Merkouriev
  • Jean Marc Fleury
  • Pierre Yves Ruellan
  • Claude Lepvrier
  • Philippe Huchon

A geophysical survey in the eastern Gulf of Aden, between the Alula-Fartak (52°E) and the Socotra (55°E) transform faults, was carried out during the Encens-Sheba cruise. The conjugate margins of the Gulf are steep, narrow and asymmetric. Asymmetry of the rifting process is highlighted by the conjugate margins (horst and graben in the north and deep basin in the south). Two transfer fault zones separate the margins into three segments, whereas the present-day Sheba Ridge is divided ipto two segments by a transform discontinuity. Therefore segmentation of the Sheba Ridge and that of the conjugate margins did coincide during the early stages of oceanic spreading. Extensive magma production is evidenced in the central part of the western segment. Anomaly 5d was identified in the northern and southern parts of the oceanic basin, thus confirming that seafloor spreading in this part of Gulf of Aden started at least 17.6 Ma ago.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)185-192
Число страниц8
ЖурналTerra Nova
Номер выпуска4
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 авг 2004

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ID: 51324050