
The modern level and capabilities of ICT form new forms of communication interactions, including in the field of tourism services. The fourth industrial revolution did not bypass the tourism industry, highlighting Tourism 4.0. Globalization and digital transformations of the industry have spawned new directions in business and a new scientific interdisciplinary direction – the digitalization of tourism. Since the development of digital tourism is associated with modern information technologies, which are also called smart or digital, there is a need to understand the current terminology. The article offers interpretations of the term-concepts of the terminological core of the scientific direction associated with the widespread use of digital technologies. Thematic search, explication, and analysis of contextual knowledge, carried out on an array of scientific publications in English and Russian sources, made it possible to create a thesaurus of the scientific direction. The results of the analysis of the terminological landscape open up new research opportunities, especially in areas where there is still a lack of academic research related to the application of modern digital technologies in tourism.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)164-177
ЖурналCEUR Workshop Proceedings
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020
Событие22nd Conference on Scientific Services & Internet - Novorossiysk-Abrau , Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 21 сен 202025 сен 2020

ID: 71914822