Implantation of stimulating electrodes into the basement of the vertebral spinous process allows the electrodes to be quickly and stably fixed relative to the spinal cord. Using this approach, we have previously shown the selectivity of rat muscle activation during transvertebral stimulation (TS). In this work, we investigated the TS to induce forward stepping of the cat's hindlimbs in comparison with epidural stimulation (ES).

Materials and Methods
TS was performed with an electrode placed in the VL3–VL6 vertebrae in five decerebrated cats. ES was performed on the same cats in L5–L7 segments. Kinematic parameters of stepping were recorded in addition to electromyographic activity of musculus (m.) iliopsoas (IP), m. tibialis anterior (TA), and m. gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) of both hindlimbs.

With VL3–VL4 TS, all five animals were capable of bipedal forward stepping, whereas VL5 and VL6 TS led to the forward stepping in 3 of 5 and 1 of 5 animals, respectively. Well-coordinated muscle activity led to a high level of intra- and interlimb coordination. Kinematic parameters of TS-induced stepping were similar to those obtained with ES. The TS of the VL3 vertebra causes the frequency lock with the integer multiple of the stimulation frequency. Similarly to the rat model, TS-evoked muscle responses were site specific. They were minimal during VL3 TS and were maximal during VL4–VL5 TS (IP) and VL5–VL6 TS (TA, GL).

The obtained results support hypotheses about the location of the central pattern generators in the upper lumbar spinal segments. The proposed approach of electrode placement is surgically easier to perform than is ES. This approach is useful for studying site-specific neuromodulation of the spinal sensorimotor networks and for investigating new strategies of locomotor recovery in animal models.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Дата раннего онлайн-доступа23 дек 2022
СостояниеЭлектронная публикация перед печатью - 23 дек 2022

ID: 100356894