Carbon monoxide adsorbed at 77 K on Li-ZSM-5 gives Li+···CO and Li+(CO)2 adducts characterized by C-O stretching bands at 2195 and 2188 cm-1, respectively. Variable temperature FTIR spectroscopy has shown that, at a higher temperature, formation of Li+···OC and Li+(CO,OC) species also occurs; the corresponding C-O stretching mode of O-bonded carbon monoxide appears at 2100 and 2110 cm-1, respectively. The relative amount of O-bonded CO increases with increasing temperature, in agreement with the fact that cation-CO interaction energy is higher for C-bonded carbon monoxide.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)4187-4188
Число страниц2
ЖурналPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Номер выпуска19
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 2001

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  • Физика и астрономия (все)
  • Физическая и теоретическая химия

ID: 41682059