The article presents a study of the dependence of the change in the shape of the resonance transmission line for optical thin dielectric gratings. The result of changing the duty cycle for high and low medium contrast while maintaining the amount of substance has been demonstrated. The results of the effect of the filling factor on the resonance transmission width and the frequency position in the normal TE wave drop are numerically investigated. Results for various options of a angles of the falling bunch at various coefficients of filling are presented. The effect of refractive index contrast of this structure on the width and shape of resonance lines was analyzed. In the first approximation, effective refractive indices and effective thicknesses for such structures were calculated. Conclusions are drawn about the conditions under which the structure can be considered optically thin.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииNanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics VI
РедакторыZhiping Zhou, Kazumi Wada, Limin Tong
ISBN (электронное издание)9781510639270
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020
СобытиеNanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics VI 2020 - Virtual, Online, Китай
Продолжительность: 11 окт 202016 окт 2020

Серия публикаций

НазваниеProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
ISSN (печатное издание)0277-786X
ISSN (электронное издание)1996-756X


конференцияNanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics VI 2020
ГородVirtual, Online

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ID: 71607813