Результаты исследований: Научные публикации в периодических изданиях › статья в журнале по материалам конференции › Рецензирование
The detection of Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs) in the Very High Energy (VHE, E>100 GeV) range is challenging, mainly because of their steep spectra in this energy band. Up to now, only five FSRQs are known to be VHE γ-ray emitters, all of them have been detected by the MAGIC telescopes, that discovered four of them in the VHE band. The observations in the VHE band are crucial to understand their emission, specially to constrain the location of the emitting region within the jet due to the absorption from their broad line region (BLR). Typically, FSRQs are detected during high flux states, enhancing the probability of detection with the current instruments sensitivities. However, the last observation campaigns performed with the MAGIC telescopes show emission during moderate states, thus challenging our understanding of the emission mechanisms in FSRQs. In this contribution, we give an overview and present the most recent results of the three FSRQs 3C279, PKS1222+21 and PKS1510-089 in a multi-wavelength context with special focus on MAGIC and Fermi-LAT simultaneous observations.
Язык оригинала | английский |
Номер статьи | 876 |
Журнал | Proceedings of Science |
Том | 30-July-2015 |
Состояние | Опубликовано - 2015 |
Событие | 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2015 - The Hague, Нидерланды Продолжительность: 30 июл 2015 → 6 авг 2015 |
ID: 88384396