The article considers the opportunities, risks, and challenges associated with the development of digital financial technologies. To identify them, we used the scenario approach. We determined three main development scenarios for the market of innovative financial technologies — “domination of traditional financial companies”, “segmentation of market of new financial technologies’, and “domination of digital financial companies” in terms of their probability and possible consequences for the global financial markets. The results of analysis allowed us to suggest that among main scenarios of fintech development the most probable is the splitting of existing market, which in the future can turn into a market of digital transnational financial corporations, which will squeeze out both small companies and traditional financial giants. However, although the scenario of capturing the financial market by large players is currently unlikely, it is certainly more important in terms of the consequences for global markets. The main prerequisite for the latter scenario is the promotion of international cooperation in the regulation of digital financial companies. Such a condition requires new models of country-level interaction in the regulation of innovative financial companies in order to address the risks and challenges of different scenarios of fintech development on global financial markets. This article includes a comparative analysis of digital development in Russia and the Republic of Korea, which is one of the key players on the Asian fintech market, as a possible benchmark that can be used to shape the policies of intergovernmental cooperation on global financial markets. These policies include 1) regulatory cooperation that reduces risks due to growing experience in the regulation of innovative financial companies; 2)cooperation in investments that allow one to acquire additional experience in regulatory practices and to develop infrastructure, which meets the new requirements of digital finance; and 3) cooperation in the taxation of fintech companies that reduces cross-border regulatory arbitrage.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)23-35
Число страниц13
ЖурналForesight and STI Governance
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020

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ID: 69863066