Magnetic topological insulators (MTIs) have recently become a subject of poignant interest; among them, Z2 topological insulators with magnetic moment ordering caused by embedded magnetic atoms attract special attention. In such systems, the case of magnetic anisotropy perpendicular to the surface that holds a topologically nontrivial surface state is the most intriguing one. Such materials demonstrate the quantum anomalous Hall effect, which manifests itself as chiral edge conduction channels that can be manipulated by switching the polarization of magnetic domains. In the present paper, we uncover the atomic structure of the bulk and the surface of Mn0.06Sb1.22Bi0.78Te3.06 in conjunction with its electronic and magnetic properties; this material is characterized by naturally formed ferromagnetic layers inside the insulating matrix, where the Fermi level is tuned to the bulk band gap. We found that in such mixed crystals septuple layers (SLs) of Mn(Bi,Sb)2Te4 form structures that feature three SLs, each of which is separated by two or three (Bi,Sb)2Te3 quintuple layers (QLs); such a structure possesses ferromagnetic properties. The surface obtained by cleavage includes terraces with different terminations. Manganese atoms preferentially occupy the central positions in the SLs and in a very small proportion can appear in the QLs, as indirectly indicated by a reshaped Dirac cone.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
ЖурналACS Nano
СостояниеЭлектронная публикация перед печатью - 15 ноя 2022

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ID: 100361415