Bryozoans are impressively active suspension feeders, with diverse feeding behav- iors. These have been studied extensively in marine bryozoans, but less so in their freshwa- ter counterparts. Here we identified 16 distinct behaviors in three phylactolaemate species and classified them into behaviors involving separate tentacles, groups of tentacles, lopho- phore arms, the introvert, or multiple zooids. We examined (1) the repertoire of behaviors in each species, and each behavior’s (2) absolute frequency, (3) relative frequency and (4) duration in each of the three species, at two flow velocities (0 and 0.2 cm s 1 ). Nine feeding behaviors were shared by all three species, but the occurrence of other behaviors in a given species was limited by its morphology. Behaviors involved in particle capture were the most frequent, and were often faster than the reactions involved in particle rejection. By contrast, the absolute frequency of behaviors varied widely among species without clear associations with species
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)138-149
ЖурналInvertebrate Biology
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2016

ID: 7622943