
In the article, authors make an overview of existing approaches to typologization of bots and suggest their own approach for distinguishing botnets based on the influence of botnets over target audience. Using the logic of this approach, authors have performed a comparative analysis of two botnets found in the “VKontakte” social network, which revealed existence of two models of influence over target audience: extensive and intensive. Among the criteria for comparative analysis, botnets are characterized by “number of technological accounts in the botnet”, “intensity of publication activities”. Authors assume that the choice of one of these two models depends on thematic orientation of botnets, which involves different types of potential audiences.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииExtensive and Intensive Models of Botnet Influence over Target Audience
Место публикацииParis, France
Число страниц3
ИзданиеAtlantis Press
ISBN (электронное издание)978-94-6252-717-1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 26 мая 2019

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    Области исследований

  • боты, ботсети, типология ботов, методики выявления ботов, экстенсивные и интенсивные модели

ID: 46129134