A means of nonlinear interferential comb spectroscopy with increased sensitivity is propsed. Radiation from the comb-generator of a femtosecond laser is focused at the center of a cell with vapors of rubidium atoms, mounted in an arm of a Michelson interferometer. This technique is an improvement of Rozhdestvenski hooks method, with digital registration by the detectors on a CCD array being substituted for the photographic registration of interferograms, resulting in increased interferometric sensitivity (holographic interferometry). A primary spectrogram is processed in digital form on a dual-beam interferometer equipped with a phase modulator to improve sensitivity with the possibility of an a posteriori increase in interferometric sensitivity. Dispersive signals appear in the interferogram spectrogram on two-photon absorption lines when the pumping radiation is focused at the center of a cell with Rb vapors. Nonlinear processes of coherent radiation due to nonlinear interference effects are studied. Numerical simulations are performed that confirm the proposed theoretical model.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1466-1467
Число страниц2
ЖурналBulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics
Номер выпуска12
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 дек 2017

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ID: 36101119