• Alexander K. Otcherednoy
  • Ekaterina V. Voskresenskaya
  • Kseniya N. Stepanova
  • Leonid B. Vishnyatsky
  • Pavel E. Nehoroshev
  • Alexander V. Kolesnik
  • Nataliya E. Zaretskaya
  • Alisa V. Larionova
  • Egor K. Blochin

The paper presents some preliminary results of comprehensive geoarcheological researches of Middle Paleolithic open-air sites, situated at the different regions of the Russian plain, which had been continued after a short pause. Our issue focused on the main key-sites from Upper Desna (Khotylevo I and Betovo) to the Lower Volga (Suhaya Mechetka), Northern Azovian sea-coast (Rojok I and Nosovo I), Middle (Shlyah) and Lower (Birjuchaya Balka 2) Don regions. Those studies conducted at a new methodological level during the last five years have allowed us to obtain new information on the chronological and lithologic-stratigraphic positions of sites, the degree of preservation of Cultural layers and the peculiar features of those assemblages. A table with series of uncalibrated radiocarbon dates demonstrates the variants of correlation of complexes in the interval from the second half of the middle (MIS-3) to the beginning of the later (MIS-2) part of the Valdaï period.

Переведенное названиеМеждисциплинарные геоархеологические исследования среднепалеолитических стоянок Русской равнины
Язык оригиналафранцузский
Страницы (с-по)310-318
Число страниц9
ЖурналAnthropologie (France)
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 апр 2019

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Антропология
  • История и философия науки

ID: 50754722