• E. V. Zabolotskikh
  • Yu M. Timofeev
  • A. B. Uspenskii
  • L. M. Mitnik
  • L. P. Bobylev
  • O. M. Jochannessen
  • I. V. Chernyi

Errors of sea surface wind speed V, total atmospheric water vapor Q, and total cloud liquid water W retrieved from the data measured with the MTVZA radiometer launched onboard the Russian Meteor-3M (no. 1) satellite on December 10, 2001 are estimated using numerical simulations. It is shown that the proposed procedures (the neural network algorithms and physical criteria for data sampling) ensure that potential errors in V, Q, and W meet the current WMO requirements for both light and heavy clouds. A comparison of the retrieval errors simulated for the MTVZA radiometer and the SSM/I onboard radiometer of the DMSP satellite in the same conditions proves that the MTVZA radiometer ensures V and W retrieval with errors not exceeding those characteristic of the SSM/I radiometer.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)592-596
Число страниц5
ЖурналIzvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics
Номер выпуска5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 сен 2002

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Океанография
  • Наука об атмосфере

ID: 51562506