The main technological problems in the synthesis of metallic composites containing carbon nanotubes or carbide particles are the distribution of the hardening phase in the bulk composite, the strength of its adhesion to the matrix, as well as the chemical and structural stability of the dispersed phase within the composite. These tasks are solved in various ways, primarily at the stage of preparation of the dispersed phase and the monolithic composite matrix. In our work, to ensure good wettability of the dispersed phase and uniformity of its distribution in the bulk aluminum, carbon nanotubes and carbide were metallized with a thin layer of metallic nickel. In the course of work on the creation of aluminum matrix materials reinforced with carbon nanotubes, the necessary conditions were selected for the formation of a metal matrix composite material with improved mechanical properties.

As a result, a technique for obtaining an aluminum matrix composite was developed, which makes it possible to prevent the carbon nanotubes agglomeration and suppress the chemical reactions between the dispersed reinforcing phase and the matrix. The method of obtaining composite aluminum matrix material includes multiple cold pressing, as well as alternating pressing and temperature treatment.

As it has been shown, the reinforcing phases of different structures have different effects on the mechanical properties of the aluminum matrix composite.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)192-199
Число страниц8
ЖурналProcedia Structural Integrity
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2023

    Области исследований

  • nanotubes, Al matrix composite, mechanical properties, powder metallurgy method

ID: 116915553