Humification aspects were studied for selected soils of the Ant arctic with a special reference for electrophoretic indexes of organic matter transformation. Humus formation and humification usually appears in soils of the Antarctic under mono-species plant communities, and this provides an opportunity to investigate the humification process in relatively simple mo dels of pedogenesis. Organic horizons and organo-mineral solum horizons below graminoid, lichen, or moss vegetation or guano material were studied on the Sub-Antarctic King George Island as well as in several soils on the continental Antarctic. Electrophoresis was used for the assessment of the de gree of soil organic matter transformation in a soil horizon sequence: from initial, weakly transformed organic matter to partially decomposed or humi fied ones. The complex investigation of the soil profiles' morphology, carbon and nitrogen contents and their ratio, humic acids (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs) portions with the relation to optical indexes an